
Luxos comes with a convenient cli interface generator, similar to what click provides, but simplified for easier usage. It uses argparse underneath, and this is the simplest usage:

import luxos.cli.v1 as cli

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__"

!!! note The tool is in the module luxos.cli.v1, and the v1 denotes the first iteration of it. In future there might be more versions to accomodate different scenarios.

What the cli package can do for you#

In the v1 version the cli provides some standard flags common to all script leveraging it. By default it provides:

  • -v|--verbose and -q|--quiet flags to increase (decrease) the logging verbosity level (see example 1)

  • -c/--config flag to point to a config file path (default to config.yaml, configurable as in example 3)

In the design intentions the goal is to provide an easy and fast way to start writing a script, providing support for extension, using only the internal python standard library and generally being simple.

There are escape hatches to configure the cli to suit most use cases.


The best way to familiarize with it is to following simple examples:

  • the simplest basic cli showing how to document the script and using the logging 👉 simple1

  • extend your script and add custom arguments 👉 simple2

  • using magic module-level variable to configure the scrip 👉 simple3

  • the smallest complete script 👉 simple4