

At the very begin we introduced three options (-v|-q|-c) predefined: while nice to have default values for the log level and a default config file, some script might want to control those values in much finer detail. For example the default logging just dumps the records to the stderr, it uses a simple default record emitter etc.

cli.v1 defines some script level magic variables that can be used to configure those defaults.

import argparse
import asyncio
import logging

import luxos.cli.v1 as cli

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CONFIGPATH = "booo.yaml"
    # the following forces the starting log level to WARNING, you can change using multiple -q|-v flags
    'level': logging.WARNING,
    'format': "%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s",
    'handlers': [
        # this will write the records to stderr and a log file

async def main(args: argparse.Namespace):
    log.debug("a debug message")
    log.info("an info message")
    log.warning("a warning!")

    # note as args.config is a pathlib.Path instance!
    print(f"Got: {args.config=}")

if __name__ == "__main__":


  • CONFIGPATH can point to an alternative configuration file

  • LOGGING_CONFIG is a dictionary used as kwargs in basicConfig

The help reveals:

$> simple3.py --help
usage: simple3.py [-h] [-v] [-q] [-c CONFIG]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         report verbose logging (default: None)
  -q, --quiet           report quiet logging (default: None)
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        path to a config file (default: booo.yaml)

The -c default argument is booo.yaml.

$> simple3.py
2024-05-03 20:09:26,920 [WARNING] a warning!
Got: args.config=PosixPath('booo.yaml')

$> simple3.py -vv
2024-05-03 20:10:00,552 [DEBUG] interpreter: /Users/antonio/venvs/luxos-tooling/bin/python
2024-05-03 20:10:00,552 [DEBUG] version: 3.12.3 (v3.12.3:f6650f9ad7, Apr  9 2024, 08:18:47) [Clang 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.30)]
2024-05-03 20:10:00,552 [DEBUG] a debug message
2024-05-03 20:10:00,552 [INFO] an info message
2024-05-03 20:10:00,552 [WARNING] a warning!
2024-05-03 20:10:00,552 [INFO] task completed in 0.00s
Got: args.config=PosixPath('booo.yaml')